For glandular tumors, varicose veins, prolapsus uterus, bone affections etc.
This salt is indicated in all diseases affecting the substance forming the surface of the bone, the enamel of the teeth and part of elastic fibres, no matter in what structure they may be found.
A deficiency of the elastic fibres in the muscular tissue causes a relaxation, which is a primary condition in many diseases.
Indicated in all ailments that can be traced to a relaxed condition of the elastic fibres, including dilatation of blood vessels such as blood-tumors, piles, enlarged and varicose veins, indurated glands, enlargement of the heart, relaxed uvula, prolapsed of the womb, etc.
Also useful in the diseases of the respiratory organs with difficult expectoration of small yellow lumps.
The symptoms are all worse in damp weather and are relieved by fomentation and by rubbing.
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