For suppurations, boils, carbuncles, gonorrhea and chronic catarrhal conditions.
This is a most excellent remedy in suppurations to which it is closely related. It is an eliminator of effete matter.
A deficiency of this salt causes long protracted suppurations. It is indicated in swelling of the soft parts in connective tissue with threatened suppuration or where suppuration has already taken place.
Abscesses either aborting or hastening suppuration. Suppurative stage of eruptive diseases of the skin.
Boils, carbuncles, felons, pimples and pustules on the face;
suppurative stage of gonorrhea; ‘in fact in all ailments where pus-formations are liable to develop or have already developed.
Chronic catarrhal conditions with purulent secretions. Advanced stages of lung diseases.
The true indication for this remedy is a thick, heavy yellow pus, sometimes streaked with blood.
Symptoms are aggravated by getting wet or by washing and working in water
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